The bottom layer in a graphics kit is referred to as a "base". All of the bases feature a HIGH-TAC adhesive with AIR-FLOW technology to give you a fast, easy, and bubble-free installation.
A regular base means that the kit will be printed on white materials. All bases share the same HIGH-TAC adhesive and AIR-FLOW technology. When a kit is printed on a white regular base, the colors will be vibrant and colorful. It will have the standard look of a high-quality graphics kit
A full chrome base will give you that luxury chrome look. All colors on a full chrome kit will be in chrome. This option is the best way to give your bike that viral reflective chrome look.
The difference between chrome and holographic chrome is that the holographic chrome changes colors. Depending on the angle and light, the kit will be changing colors. This is because the kit will be printed on a holographic material. It will still have some of the properties of chrome but with an added effect. When the sunset is shining on the kit, your bike will glow up in different colors.
The "fluo" base is a very strong color. Often referred to as "neon".
When choosing a fluorescent base you cannot have grey, white or any color in the graphics kit. This is because the fluorescent base has too strong colors to print on. The kit can only be the color of fluorescent chosen and black. For example the kit could be fluorescent yellow and black. But not white, grey, or any other color.
The premium finish is the top layer of your graphics kit. This is what gives your bike the final look. All of the premium finishes are thick and highly scratch-resistant. Built to last you a long time.
High-gloss finish with no extra effects. This finish provides a long-lasting gloss with high resistance to scratches.
Deep Matte finish. This premium finish provides a deep matte finish with high resistance to scratches. All colors in the design will become matte. If paired with a chrome base it will give you a Matte/chrome look.
The glitter finish is a High-gloss finish with added glitter effects. This premium finish provides a long-lasting gloss with high resistance to scratches. The glitter will only be seen in specific angles or lighting situations. The perfect option to give your bike more life and details. The holographic glitter is the most popular option among the premium finishes. It also helps the bike look new for a longer period due to the glitter hiding flaws and helping the bike glow. The glitter finish is the most affordable way to upgrade the look of your bike.
The holographic flakes reflect different colors depending on the view angle. The holographic glitter finish is the most popular premium finish.
The gold flakes add a premium touch to your bike by reflecting its gold flakes.
The silver glitter is the most universal premium finish. Silver flakes do not add much color to the bike. But it helps the bike pop and glow more giving it that show-bike look.