Premium Base/Finish

Premium Base/Finish

What premium materials should you use for your next bold. graphics kit?

There is a large range of different premium bases and premium finishes to choose from. In this post we will focus on comparing the different bases and finish to each other. Give your some great example photos of what other riders around the world choose for their bike builds.

Before we start, we will need to define what the terms "base" and "finish" really means.

What is a premium base?

The "base" of your graphics kit, is simply what your graphics kit is printed on. Your kit can be printed on a white regular base, this will mean that the color will be really good, but it will have no special effects. It will look like a regular sticker in terms of colors and reflections. If it instead is printed on a holographic or chrome base, the effects would be very different. Since the base would be chrome, all colors printed on this base would then also become chrome. White and black is the only colors that would still remain solid with no effect added.

What is a premium finish?

The "finish" is the top layer of your graphics. It is what adds the thickness and durability of the final graphics kit. The finish can be done with different effects added to it. The bold. signature finish is the holographic glitter finish. This finish has a deep gloss in combination with small glitter flakes which makes the bike truly come to life. This glitter is very hard to see when it's not in direct sunlight, but when either the sunset or garage light hits, it will start to sparkle. The premium finish in combination with a premium base is what separates your bike from the rest.

Examples of different combinations.

Let's start out with showing you the basics. What does a regular base kit with a regular gloss finish look like?

Here is one example of a Husqvarna TE 125 equipped with the "brander" semi-custom graphics with an regular base and regular finish. It also has frame graphics, fork covers, 50/50 wheel graphics, bold. supermoto wheels and a LED headlight. Great build with a very minimal amount of parts and styling added. 

Owner: @vincent.nyberg
Base: Regular
Finish: Regular Gloss


This bike is equipped with a full holographic print base combined with a silver glitter finish. The full holographic print is a chrome, but what makes it different is that it changes color in different viewing angles. As you may see on this picture, you cannot see the glitter effect when you are far away and not in direct sunlight. But once the sun hits, it will start to sparkle.

Owner: @Nicke.kjarhus
Base: Full Holographic
Finish: Silver Glitter


Here is a perfect examples of a bold. signature combination. Holographic Base with Holographic glitter finish. This combination is truly a game-changer. The holographic effect gives the bike life and dynamic. Changes colors in different viewing angles. 

Owner: @elisamazzocca
Base: Full Holographic
Finish: Holographic Glitter


This bike has a full chrome print base with a holographic glitter finish. The chrome base gives the bike insane reflections. And the holographic glitter gives a interesting sparkle effect.


Owner: @exc_thomas
Base: Full Chrome
Finish: Holographic Glitter


Full chrome with matte finish is a very unique combo which both makes the bike chrome and matte at the same time. You get the chrome reflections, yet you get a matte premium finish.

Owner: @Kyanind
Base: Full Chrome
Finish: Matte